Clinical evaluations are procedures to help answer particular questions related to a client’s mental health or functional status. It is often addressed through the use of psychological instruments that assist in obtaining how an individual performs comparable to a similar group such as age, sex or certain population.
This would be similar to an IQ test. In addition, evaluations may consist of instruments which are interpreted based on the quality and context of the client’s responses.

Questions that are often asked in reference to psychological or clinical evaluations are:
- What is an accurate diagnosis for the client’s concerns or does the client not meet criteria for a diagnostic issue?
- What is causing some of the client’s concerns and how did they manifest to this point?
- What are the strengths and needs of the client and how did they develop?
- What type of treatment recommendations are important to reduce unhealthy symptoms and promote proactive choices?
- What is the prognosis of the client in reference to short-term and long-term goals and functioning?
- How often should the client receive evaluations to indicate their trajectory of functioning and address needs?
- What information can the assessment contribute to educate the client or caregivers pertaining to helping the client?